Wednesday 14 September 2011

Together we do not fail...

Me and Jim- Transplant recipient.... dad :)

Most people wouldn't want to do this... but then again we're not most people haha!

Thank you to all my sponsors who donated money, you are a huge part of the movement for research and upcoming advancements, and support to people living with kidney disease, i am truly honoured to have you on my team:

Monique, Jim and Katrina
Alice & Steven (your amount makes me want to cry- thank you for being so generous)
Alex G
Andrea M
Barbara S
Bill J
Brad W
Bruce P
Carol M
Carol S
Chris W
Coral and Steve
long an uphill... yay!
David E
Debbie and Mike
Denise L
Diane B
Donald S
Ed B
Edward D
Fabricio F
Gary S
Hugh M
James and Cynthia
Joel T
Jonathon A
Katharine S
walked alone day 2 to lunch: took time to snap a pic :) good old camera timers!
Kelly and Sherry
Kevin W
Kim G
Lisa W
Marcelle L
Mary Lou S
Myles A
Nasim W
Nicole S
Nkechi O
Patrick M
Patrick B
Paulette W
Randy C
triage: this is where we party hard!
Randy and Alison Evans :)
Robin P
Sean P
Shannon S
Sharon B
Stephen C
Steve M
Theresa W
Tim M
Vaughn L
Wanda W

thought this was funny.... our family loves these beans haha

tented city :)

Me and my Kidney-oke partner Taran :)

this woman helped me make it through haha!

Team T&T (Taran and TIna) and sisters :) Such an awesome moment
 As i cross the finish line... tired, and in so much pain i make out a person in the crowd- my eyes seemed to search for hours- DAD! we run up and share that moment of love and tears that i will never ever forget.... I am so lucky!
Sushi to celebrate! i love you mom and dad!

Thank you thank you thank you sponsors, friends, family and Kidney Marching pals!!!

My body is not invincible... but i am...


DAY 1:
I arrive just 7km short... My knees completely shot. My blisters ready to be drained and "Second skinned"... Do i feel like a failure- yes. Am I? No...

My 3 days of pain, no matter how far i walk, doesn't even compare to these peoples and my families experiences- who fight for kidney disease every day. 

You are wonderful:
Paul&Doreen- kept me going
Angela and Rich
Taran, Tina and Tom- you are the coolest family, i couldn't of done it without you!
Man i met at lunch- transplant recipient
Man i met on the bus- on dialysis.
Jim&Janis whos mom just passed away a few months ago
Steve and family!
Renal nurses from SASK.
Nurse from Calgary on the walk
Sazmin- always there when i needed you the most :)
Chip and wife...
Didja and family
Ayan, age 8, from elbow park school- your card meant the world to me, and gave me strength.

People wait years to get a transplant... and some never come... some pass away.... some get a trasnplant and it fails.

Every step down hill shoots excruciating pain up my knee... i keep going... for them, for you, for my dad.

You spend all your time surviving, you forget how to feel, how to just love the time you have- to care for those around you... to not treat people different... to enjoy life... to just... be a kid! How many things we do and people we take for granted.

Meeting place before the walk

here we go!

nothing like triage in the pm!

Tent city, dad and Jim and Janis...

on the bus day 2

this walk is magnificent

me and my bandaged knees!

Dad and Chip! "Chip and flail"

I love you dad...
I pray my knees are better in the morning. i want to do more, and give more. i ask for nothing else for i have something great.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Off exploring...

It's official i started a blog of my very own. And to start if off with a bang: 2011 CNIB Delburne, Alberta annual beach volleyball tournament (happening this sept. long). All proceeds supporting CNIB: agency that provides community based support for blind and partially sighted Canadians. I was the proud recipient of the prestigious "hot dog" award: an award for hard work, team spirit and excellence (MVP award if you will). I am honored and touched to have been the first none family member to win this!

Cheers Delburne mates!